As a way of introducing myself, I'm a working screenwriter here in Los Angeles and refer to myself as a pulp screenwriter. That means I have to write a lot to get paid and make a living. I don't make the big dollars that the studio boys make (yet), but I work a lot, and get better each time (I hope). You've probably seen some of the movies I've written, marketed, sold, produced, lit, coordinated for DVD authoring or publicized. A few of those pictures (and a book) I've worked on (in one capacity or another) are scattered about.
The D2DVD market means that you have to write fast, well and to a concept that the distributor or production company thinks will sell. D2DVD is not a spec market where you can sell a screenplay you wrote yourself. You are writing for a client and giving them a good story that can be produced on a low budget. It's a lot like the good old days at AIP where they created the artwork and title first, then wrote the script to fit.
Consequently I take a real practical, "cheeseburger and fries" approach to writing screenplays. Hopefully there's some simple info here you can use to help you break in to the business or tackle a problem you've been having with a script.
The bottom line is, as always, to spin a good yarn and be entertaining.

You've got some good info on here, so I'll be popping back to pick up a tip or ten.
Ditto to what Shaun said. I've added quite of few of your posts to my Scribosphere Hall Of Fame
Wow! Awful writer - that is an awesome resource. I'm a little humbled that my meager efforts are housed with those of the Johns (Rogers and August) as well as other better-known scribes. Thanks!
And thanks to you as well Shaun. I'm glad that someone from over the pond will be here to give a different perspective to the Pulperverse I live and work in.
I have to say, your blog offers a chance to see there are other avenues then slaving over that one big hit screenplay. I have found tons of useful and interesting info on your site, and will be a frequent contributor/visiter.
That's DISC/ontent for ya! Here to relieve your screenwriting constipation...
Glad to have you aboard.
Thanks, Bill. I really did it for myself because I wanted an easy way to get back to the posts I found really informative. I made it public because I figured others would find it useful, too. Plus I'm hoping others will help it grow by suggesting posts to add. I went through quite a few blogger archives, but I know there's more out there waiting to be explored.
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