Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Who Needs Oscar?

By now we know that everyone in the Motion Picture Academy wants you to watch movies at the theater. But the reality is different:

Here are the winners of the 2006 DVDX Awards.


MaryAn Batchellor said...

I need a clue. Truly. I'm surprised by the one for PSP. Crash. Am I just totally out of touch here? I'd have thought PSP would find more viewers with four quad films like Incredibles. The only person in my house who watches videos on PSP is eleven years old.

Cunningham said...

PSP is phasing out - at least from what they tell me. However it does hit a 24-34 age demo that puts it right in with the Crash demo.

I'm not a gaming guy. I just missed that being part of my repertoire, but I understand your thinking of The Incredibles for this.

Hmmm...(more thought required)