Monday, January 15, 2007

Hey, You Serial Writers Out There...

Since the serial is making a comeback of sorts - not only with LOST and DAYBREAK (Moon...Bloodgood) and one of my favorites PRISON BREAK - it would behoove you to listen to one of the critics (USA TODAY) who pretty much hits the nail on the head when it comes to the video-drama. He's talking about 24, but this applies across the board:

… that's what you get with Sunday and Monday's four-hour return: TV's top action/adventure, reinvented once more, the same and yet completely, thrillingly different. … what's remarkable is that 24 still finds so many ways to surprise us, to take our knowledge of how things are done and turn it against us. Once again, it's a hugely enjoyable if daunting lesson, for anyone planning a serial, on what a serial should be. ……

Have fun watching the second half tonight.

Spoiler: it just confirms my reason not to live in Valencia....


Aric Blue said... spoilers. I have to find the 4 hours to watch it now that TIVO has it...

Emily Blake said...

I love how Jack steals a car. He punches a guy and orders him to stay down, then makes off with his car. Then he crashes that car. Bloody awesome.