Monday, February 19, 2007

My Heart Breaks a Little...

and yet I am still optimistic...

Alex Epstein has this little post here about a school teacher looking for private donations for his classroom so they can get dry erase boards and he can be a more effective teacher. The children, instead being called upon individually, write their answers on the dry erase boards and hold them up. Wrong answers are addressed and clarified.

First I'm sad that schools have to look outside to find the tools they need to be effective. It is a terrifying sign of the times.

Secondly I love the fact that this teacher took it upon himself to try some innovative thinking so the children get the education they need. These are the people you want teaching your kids, and if it were up to me they would all be up for the same salaries as those "golden parachute" CEOs you read about. Teachers, cops, soldiers, firemen, paramedics...

I'm going to find a way to throw some dollars his way. Please do the same. Maybe we can find the local Wal-Mart and see if they can donate the boards...

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