Wednesday, June 06, 2007

D2DVD Remakes!

MGM and Hyde Park Entertainment are pacting to make a series of D2DVD remakes of MGM franchises. First up is a remake of Brian DePalma's DRESSED TO KILL (which coincidentally was an AIP / Samuel Z. Arkoff production). You can read the Variety story here.

As the D2DVD market grows at the studio level, you'll notice more and more of these pacts between a studio distributor and a small producer. Why?

Because studios, by their very bureaucratic nature don't know how to produce a small movie (meaning a movie under $5M). They hire out producers to make these movies for them. In this case, Ashok Armitraj is a producer who has a plethora of experience producing movies in this budget range. I think he was producer of record for a lot of Bill Martell's made-for-cable movies (along with Andrew Stevens), and knows how to put the money up onscreen.

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