Wednesday, August 22, 2007

May You Live in Interesting Times...

The Chinese, in their infinite wisdom and understanding of the human condition have a curse which is the title of this post. I use it because Ladies and Gentlemen....

We live in interesting times.

Read through the article and understand that this time can be one of either feast or famine depending upon your perspective. For myself, I am not a doomsayer in this evolution, but one who understands we're going to twist and turn for awhile.

Oh well.

Life isn't very interesting without a few twists or turns is it? Which do you like - the roller coaster or the merry-go-round? Or the waterslide (because there's going to be that option too)?

And that's the nature of the curse - interesting times = options.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I think the article gets it right about news and informational programming. Unless I want it as background noise or to catch a quick 'breaking news' update, I'll go news websites more often than TV. But I don't think the internet can "kill" TV in an entertainment sense. People still like to enjoy films/tv in a communal environment, if they can. We all watch some TV programs alone, but isn't it always more fun with friends? So, the internet may change the distribution, but I don't think the idiot box is going anywhere anytime soon...