Monday, February 11, 2008

A New Frontier

So many things going on right now that I truly don't have time to sit down and "compose" a post that fully examines every aspect of the issues surrounding us. That being said - let me get these impressions out into the blogosphere before my head explodes.

-- I am happy that the strike is over or at least appears to be over. I am hoping that the transition of going back to work is smooth for everyone, but truly I don't think it's going to be the same after this.

-- I am sad that it took a strike for many writers to realize they have to take greater control over their careers, and cast the net wider than just television or movies. I think it hit some of them especially hard when they realized they really didn't have the "equity" in the shows they were writing that they thought they had.

-- I am happy however that the Guild snapped to, and organized to get the membership thinking about ownership, equity and branding outward. That's important, and speaks to the future.

-- I am sad that Canada is going through its own turmoil right now. I can only hope that Canadian writers and other creatives flip the CTRC off, and head for the web (and elsewhere) where there is at least the promise of equity and control.

-- I am also sad that Canadians are wrestling with this whole culture v. entertainment (read commercial) problem, which in my (smart-alec American) estimation really isn't a problem. Entertainment in all its forms is an expression of a culture. Ballet is entertainment. Hip Hop is entertainment. Both are expressions of culture. Deal.

[Does this cultural v. commercial controversy come about from Canadians not defining who they are, but only defining who they are not? If so, I find that incredibly sad. ]

-- I am happy that I saw JLA: THE NEW FRONTIER today. It is one of the truest expressions of the American ideal and promise as I have ever seen. It is a story of courage - in all its forms - and the meaning of heroism. The story lives up to its inspiration - President John F. Kennedy's famous speech.

-- I am sad that I have to wait to get the 2 disc DVD set. I am chomping at the bit to learn more about the creative process behind this work.

-- I find it interesting that arguably the greatest comic creation of all time - SUPERMAN, the symbol of the American ideal - was co-created by a Canadian.

-- I also find it interesting that JLA: NEW FRONTIER was created by a Canadian - Darwyn Cooke.

-- What that means, I don't know, except to say that as I shake hands with my fellow creatives across the border - Canadian, British, European, Middle Eastern, Asian etc... - as we engage in the free exchange of ideas and learn more about one another; we understand that it is our similarities that matter most and not our differences.

We have a lot of work ahead...


Lindsay Stewart said...

Funny how the creative sorts can get along because we deal in the currency of ideas. I don't know an artist or writer who comes across a brilliant concept without being delighted. I've yet to meet an artist that stops and says, hey, wait just a darn minute, where'd that originate.... Canada! Bah. I'll have none of it. Our retrograde tweezer heads forming the current Canadian minority government seem very anxious to emulate every mistake that the American conservative movement has made. Deregulating media ownership, the DMCA and any other damn thing that damps down creativity and access to the audience. We here, in the frosty north, have a lot of work to do.

Shawna said...

I keep forgetting to tell you that I really enjoyed James Moran's "Torchwood" episode. Really boosted the show, IMO. We shall talk at more length on this topic, I am sure.

Meanwhile, I'm euphoric and crazy innundated with news to post over on my blog. The onslaught has begun.

wcmartell said...

Don't know if you have this one...

DecoderRing said...

Well, yer Billness, I'll tell ya...

The only folks left who can't define Canada without invoking America work at the CBC... and that's only because so many of them are actually Americans.

And they wondered why the rest of us stopped paying attention. There. I've said it.

Kelly J. Crawford said...


Sad, but true, all of it.

Lee said...

You were spot on about Turok, Bill, so I'm looking forward to giving JLA a spin.