It's Sunday morning and of course, I'm here at the coffee shop relaxing by doing a bit of research and downloading while typing out some notes from my Moleskine. I'll make no bones about the fact that this past week was one I never want to go through again. Lots of poor client relations, and the double-murder down the block didn't help. I am looking forward to this week being more productive and happy all around.
At least that's why I'm working on a Sunday (again).
The research is for two things that I can finally do more than broadly hint about. I am setting up my own media production and distribution business as an adjunct to my marketing work. As I have ranted before, it's prudent for everyone in these tough times to diversify their income streams, and for the past 6 months I have been doing just that. I'll have the first stage of the announcement later this month, but suffice it to say this will be a small business to start, which with your help will grow and grow.
I am working on my next story in the unofficial "Museum of Supernatural History" series, and Astonishing Adventures #5 will feature a tale told in that universe. I am pleased to have worked with my artist friend Rolf on the story, and hope he is pleased with how Buster Bullet took off. The next story is even better (don't all writers say that?) and features another new character to the mix. Let's just say that magic in all its forms takes a toll on its users and leave it at that.
Speaking of characters, I'd like for everyone to take a moment and go to the comments section of this post and give yourself a bit of pimpage. If you are a writer, blogger, artist, filmmaker, publisher, editor, sculptor, model-maker, graphic designer, whatever... then I want to hear from you. Just tell us what you are doing. This is your chance to drive some traffic to your site, show off a bit and maybe pick up a few fans.
Besides, there is an endgame to my madness so indulge me on this okay?
(oh, and the pic has nothing to do with this post other than I thought it was kind of cool)
Sails of Blood
The Carribbean: the 1690s
Jacob van Ritter’s a Vampire Pirate Alchemist.
Marielle is his girlfriend, the captain of the Damballah. She’s a Zombie.
The hot chicks with the swords and guns are a kill team of assassin nuns from the combined forces of the Puritan Witchfinders and the Catholic Inquisition.
He wants the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismestigus, rumored to have surfaced during Morgan's sack of Panama City.
She wants to party and kick ass.
They want him staked, beheaded, and burned. In any order.
Oh, and van Ritter’s crew are all ritually pierced Mayans high on hallucinogenic toad.
This is a graphic novel that I wrote. It is being serialized on the web, a page a week, here.
Vampire Pirates, zombie chicks and hallucinogenic toads...
Who else is doing something out there? Step up and be heard.
Vampire pirates and zombie chicks. Wow. How does a girl compete with that? ;-)
I'm Andrew Bellware. I'm a director. I have a science fiction film production company called Pandora Machine. I keep a NSFW (nudity) blog called Empirical Pleasures which is filled with mostly useless notes but sometimes appropriate details about our productions.
Hey-hey-hey, I'm Matt Albert.
Just Kidding.
Congrats on your announcement Bill - bon success.
I've put my Zombie Bitch on the back burner set to 'keep warm.' And have returned to a feature I hope to punch up with more dark humor.
It's titled: Beat Down...
A cool con and his super-delicious girlfriend are duped out of their winning lotto ticket by a seemingly straight laced couple on-the-outs.
The more I think about it, Matt Albert sounds like a COOL name - but for the time being, it's Matt Racicot from Montreal.
I also have TV Specs out to agents in Toronto I hope to hear from someday.
Thanks for this, Bill.
I'm currently working on writing a trailer for my idea, which I'm currently calling "Gaunt Land", but don't expect to forever. I'm hoping I can gather up a group here soon, though, and turn it into an independent serial.
The pitch is that its a Space Opera without space. Flash Gordon in a post-Apocalyptic future. (I admit, that last pitch sentence is just Buck Rogers, but leave me alone.) It's Sergio Leone and Robert E. Howard. But, of course, it's really me, because I'm the one cherry picking those details.
The lead is a beautiful and badass woman who was a mother and police officer until the end time. Now she wanders, collecting bounties and trying to fight off her natural commitment to justice and humanity.
About a zillion years ago, you challenged us all to come up with a low budget feature - you gave excellent how to tips, etc.
Being a fan of such low budget pieces as LOTR and other tentpole features, I thought I'd give it a go ... learn to walk before I started to swim.
Long story short, I wrote the low budget script, indy production company is currently fast tracking it. WOOT! Turns out low budget for me is about $12m-$14m ... guess I'm gonna have to work on that! ;)
Anyhow, it's still early days, but if it all goes to plan, I can blame you for inspiring me to write the screenplay that launches my career as a paid writer. :)
Yay, Bill! :)
I've a few projects on the go-
Sounds of Soldiers
Robert Jone is back in Manchester after blogging the war in Europe. He finds the world's first industrial city vying to lead the way in the post oil world. But will this idyllic lifestyle be enough for a man who witnessed the destruction of Paris and the night they lit up the Med?
I'm publishing snippets and ideas before starting to write it proper in January.
Short tales about love and sex. Coming back stronger and naughtier in the New Year.
Shall We Take A Trip?
NSFW. An erotic comic. Lust and misadventure on a film set. Being serialised at
I'm also working with an artist on a comic to be distributed to mobile phones.
Roger Alford
Writer, Filmmaker
Creator of The Black Spectre, who's been in all but one issue of Astonishing Adventures Magazine, including Issue #5, for which I also did the illustrations. Working on more Black Spectre short stories as well as the first of several novels. For more on The Black Spectre (and a link to my blog), visit
Made a few popular mash-up videos: Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Serial (graciously posted by Bill) and Twilight Zone: Planet of the Apes. Also working on an original web serial.
Hi, my name is Jon.
"Hi, Jon!"
I tinker with a no-budget video blog over at Dollar Movie.
My current project is a spec script (surprise!) about a time traveling serial killer trapped within a single night, endlessly murdering a group of teens. Unless they survive the night, he will unravel the secret that allows his escape.
Bill, I will indugle your madness anyday of the week.
Stillborn: We get to see what happens when a lowlife whitetrash bum and hunted serial killer stumbles upon an ancient and mythical power. A power that will change him to the core all the while being hunted by the forces of science and magic in a war that will force him to take side. Good or bad, darkness or light, the Stillborn, the soldier herald is coming.
I'm working on the first chapter of this graphic novel that will set sail under the flag of Chimaera Studios 2009. It is a story that has elements of pulp, dark fantasy, action, metal-men, evil scientists and secret occult sociaties
Been away from the blog for awhile and getting caught up.
Christopher Sharpe
In pre-production on an old-school action/horror movie. Cameras roll on March 23rd so there is lots to do.
I've spent the last year driving around the heartland of the United States putting together independent investors, dealing with business plans and paperwork. It's good to finally get back to the creative work.
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