Monday, December 08, 2008

Using New Media to Give Old Media a Face(book) Lift

One of the great things about using the internet is you can reach a lot of people at once (or nearly at once) with your message. Combine that with a compelling design and hook and you have something that generates its own income.

We've been designing a lot of the promotional email blasts for clients because they are more targeted and compelling than receiving a piece of paper in the snail mail, or an all-text email with image attachments. Who doesn't watch animated elements? Email blasts like these are also far less expensive than other forms of sales tools -- an important consideration in today's new economy.

Inexpensive. Expansive. Entertaining.
(Not necessarily in that order)

Now to put it into the "pulp" domain:

What if you were to receive one of these in your email box with a full page comic or story in it every week? Or an embedded video or animation?

What if you could click on one of the links embedded into the strip to order the print version?

Or you could click on the link to go to the forum to discuss the story, or the art or whatever?

What if you could use the characters in the strip or story to create your own content to upload back to the community?

What if it were paid for by advertising and sales?

(Thoroughly please. I want your whole two cents worth)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

1. I get one of these in your email box with a full page comic or story in it every week? Or an embedded video or animation?

Tor does this with its newsletters. It's terrific. I actually look forward to getting it; admittedly, it's delivered monthly.

2. What if you could click on one of the links embedded into the strip to order the print version?

Moderately interested. I'd be more interested in purchasing new things rather than prints of things I already have. There have been exceptions (reference books, very pretty coffee table books, rpg books, etc).

3. Or you could click on the link to go to the forum to discuss the story, or the art or whatever?

I'm more of a lurker, but I could see myself lurking there.

4. What if you could use the characters in the strip or story to create your own content to upload back to the community?

Never thought about it. I've been part of several shared-universe story (well RPG stuff really) groups. They tend to eventually break down if there's no pre-determined goal for their works.

5. What if it were paid for by advertising and sales?

I'm ok with it so long as the advertising doesn't blink, or somehow being louder than the actual content of the thing. I'm more ok with it if the advertising and sales if the topic is similar to the content of the thing.