Monday, July 13, 2009


A week or so ago, Ted Hope at his wonderful Truly Free Film posted a call for blogs and so forth that reviewed movies that didn't have a distribution deal...

You'll note this mosh pit of pulp is in his latest list.

Consider this a confirmation if you're here via TFF.

I want to see the cool, the unusual out there. I want to see screeners, trailers, press kits, links and so forth...and not only that, I want to see the books, the comics, the games, the toys - all of it. I want my socks blown off and my face melted.

I want to see the Pulp 2.0.

If you've made something (Congratulations! Now comes the hard part) then tell us about it. Every comment I get on the blog gets fed to my email. I miss nothing that is said here. Don't be shy. Post a link to your stuff.

This week I will be pointing out a few things that have hit my inbox. Pulpy Things you can see, download or play with online. Hopefully you'll think it's as fun and as cool as I do and you'll tell the artists where you saw their work, and you'll share it with others. Remember...

We are in the mosh pit together.


I said...

Let's see- irregular shorts, spoofs, pilots and experiments. At least, that's the plan. One 24 pastiche in and working on the script for a silly time travel tale. five part zero budget science fiction from a couple of years ago.


Books on Lulu

Mini comics and other stuff

First drafts and notes on my next novella

And, of course, my blog

joel wyatt said...

I know, I know - web-based fiction is a tough sell, but here goes...

With my blog, I'm hijacking social media to tell a serialized story, a la Edgar Rice Burroughs and Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle (though in content and execution, it has just as much in common with Silver Age comics and Nick Hornby).

I'm working with a friend to produce some animated shorts / "commercials" based on the work, along the lines of
the 1960's Marvel Superheroes Cartoons.