Monday, March 21, 2005

I am a Shadowman!

Well, I received my copy of TALES OF THE SHADOWMEN: THE MODERN BABYLON in the mail today and I have to say that I am quite pleased…

No, that’s not quite right. Surprised?
No, that doesn’t say it either.

Let me put it to you this way: I walked around the house with a boner for about an hour, and no Viagra was involved.

That’s because I am now an author.

It says so right there, beside the story’s title. Wow!
Me. Author. Wow!

Note to self: get the business cards changed. You’re an author.

I still can’t afford a house in California. I’m still losing my hair (at least on my head, my back is doing just fine). I’m still getting older.
But damnit, I’m an author.

Note to screenwriters: this is an entirely different feeling than when you sell a script. Entirely more dramatic. Entirely more personal. Entirely different paycheck.

But I would wish this feeling on everyone at least once. It’s that good.

And I have the generosity and the sheer insanity of Randy and Jean Marc Lofficier to thank for how this pulp writer, excuse me, pulp author feels. They brought me into the fold and turned me loose to do whatever I wanted. Just enough rope as always, and I couldn’t be more delighted. I am sure that will grow as I read the other stories in this anthology and marvel at the authors’ brilliance. I’m just glad to be invited to the party. I’m having a damn good time.

So rush right out and pick up a copy. It’s on Amazon or you can order it directly from the publisher, Black Coat Press [see link to your right].

Here’s how Randy & Jean-Marc described my story…

“ Bill Cunningham’s approach to Tales of the Shadowmen was to find one of the most obscure characters in French pulp fiction, the short-lived Fascinax (only 22 issues were ever published), and make it entirely his own. In Bill’s story, the gentle world of pulp battles between Hero and Villain is replaced by a more gruesome, modern reality…”

In other words, I deconstructed the bitch.


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