Saturday, July 09, 2005

Keeping Up...

Thanks to Steven Peterson and Writergurl for responding to my call for G-Mail. I will put it to good use. It will allow me to keep track of a few things more closely related to the blog and build some lists for special announcements and the like.
For those interested in such things (special announcements, offers, party invites) my new email for this blog is:
Please feel free to send your pornography, Nigerian and Paypal money scams to this address. Please send the porn, the others I'll let slide... (Joke, people. It's a joke...if I start getting a bunch of porn I won't get ANY work done). Oh, and if anyone sends me a virus or worm I will gut you like a fish. That's no joke.
Question for the Pulp Hivemind: Is there any value to this audience to publish D2DVD scripts for PDF download or mailorder? These would be scripts with value-added content such as notes, behind-the- scenes stories, introductions, sketches, pictures, and possibly budgets. The focus would be to create script books that mean something to the D2DVD writing/filming audience. The best way to learn anything is by doing, but hopefully this would be a close second - showing how it was done. Probably be a mix of produced scripts across the horror, action, sci-fi and erotic thriller genres by filmmakers or films you recognize.
Working on the script for Velvet Steamroller. Going slow which is unusual. It's probably because I didn't come up with this story myself and there may be a disconnect there. It does have some ultra-slick pulpyness to it though. I keep thinking this has to be shot on HD (like Battlestar Galactica, or Dead Zone). Lots of tech and technique in this one with an unusual creature...
Stay tuned...


writergurl said...

Wow, I've been deflowered! I'm no longer a virgin in the "mentioned in a blog" category.

Ok, on to more serious stuff...
Yes! Please post all that minutae, I think it's important to know everything about getting your film out of your mind (and I frequently AM out of my mind)and into someone else's!

Thanks for "taking" my virginity... it didn't hurt at all.

Cunningham said...

Why of course it didn't hurt - I'm a gentleman! Wait til our second date...

writergurl said...


As they say in the South... "That boy ain't right."

Roger Alford said...

Yes, PDFs of pulp scripts with notes would be fantastic! Looking forward to them.

Anonymous said...

Bill --

I'd be interested in some D2DVD scripts.

From everything I've gathered, script decisions in the D2DVD arena are often determined by budget constraints (I suppose that's true for a lot of movies). So imagine there would be some interesting and helpful hints that could be imparted through an annotated script.