Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Yeah, But I'm Huge In Canada!

Denis McGrath has a very interesting discussion about TV in Canada, and all the regionalism going on there and how it affects the quality of the homegrown shows. He invited all of us to comment, so I did (like you can ever get me to shut up).

Well, apparently I touched a nerve or a tickle-spot or sumthin'...

Cause Denis went ahead and did this.


I love it when I throw a grenade into the room...


Phil said...

wow, bill - what a star you are! And of course you make an excellent point. I guess the upside is, as bad as things are here, we're not working there, right?

Cunningham said...

Yeah, but we all have to face the fact that as a business model - TV is broken. We spend too much money for a whole slew of pilots that never get on the air. Tv is looking for one big homerun when they should be looking for a whole lineup - base hits, doubles, etc...

We're also inefficient - not only in production, but in distribution as well. Shows that could be generating money for a company aren't - they're sitting on the shelf...

Canada's problems of regionalism are but a symptom in the overall media malaise. Things aren't that much better here.

Ouimet said...

You raised a lot of good points in that comment, and then Denis did some thoughtful extrapolation. And the comments afterwards were particularly interesting, especially to me, an employee of the CBC.

And what we're hearing from the decisionmakers is on the same wavelength. The product has to be better. And the system has to be able to allow the product to be better.

They are talking about it now, but when it comes to the CBC, there is always a lot of talk. I just hope they are serious about backing it up.

"Are there ANY shows on Canadian TV that you HAVE to talk about"

I would have to say: no.

Maybe Canadian Idol. Does that count?