Friday, October 19, 2007

Catching Up...

Thanks to everyone who sent me emails and cards. It is appreciated during this stressful time. it's been so stressful that I threw my back out Tuesday night and spent most of Wednesday under the tender ministrations of a Thai masseuse whose fingers and feet could make anyone confess to warcrimes.

Her: Is good yes?!
Me: (tears staining the pillow) yes...oh god...

I can now bend over and tie my shoes, sit up and type this out. The fact I smell like a Ben Gay factory is of no consequence. I have also caught up on sleep and television. The former was semi-blissful thanks to heating pads and medications...

The latter on the other hand -- oh boy. Below are my pot shots at the current schedule:

HEROES - okay. Not great, but I'm hoping Ms. Bell gives the show a shot in the arm.

JOURNEYMAN - I'm liking it. I think it really needs to drop some meta into the mix which last episode's phone call will do...

BIONIC WOMAN - who cares? Really. I got pissed that they put, Sarah Corvis in a poker game...

LIFE - is confused.

PUSHING DAISIES - is a fairy tale novel that is being stretched out for an ongoing series. I would love to see this go 13 episodes then stop. I am not liking the fact that everyone's backstory is being narrated to us as we're watching. "You must care about this person because..."

BIG SHOTS - uh, no thanks.


wcdixon said...

Bill knows what I'm talking about re: 'Pushing Daisies'.

And, um...I don't think that was tears.

Cunningham said...

Oh yes, they were tears.

No happy ending for the bastard except the fact I could stretch.

Aric Blue said...

Heroes is okay? Jesus, that show has gone from great to bad faster than any show I've ever seen. It's all been downhill since the finale.

And I'm liking Journeyman too, but I hear it's about to get canceled. Figures.

And insert your own "happy ending" joke here. :)

Cunningham said...

Well, IMO the whole 'Hiro in Japan' storyline has been a mistake, but overall I think we're going to start seeing some payoffs. I'm willing to wait.