Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to Make Money with Free Media..

People look at me aghast when I tell them to put their movie up online for free. They look at me aghast when I mention merchandising and advertising and p2p networks. They look at me aghast when I tell them to forget about festivals and sending out screeners to distributors. They look at me aghast when I tell them Twitter , YouTube and Facebook will increase their sales more than a distributor or an award win.

(and if you're not on these networks, go now and join - then friend, follow or add me)

They look at me aghast when I tell them to quit living in the 20th century. To rethink what it means to be a filmmaker. To rethink what it means to be a distributor. To rethink the economics and methodologies of all of it (which was long overdue). To rethink things like copyright and user friendliness.

Would it help if you listened to this guy instead? Because seriously - if you want to survive in the next decade as a mediamaker; If you want to make inroads into the entertainment industry...

Then you are going to have to listen.

H/T to Ted Hope at Truly Free Film


Unknown said...

The comment at the end of the video about the mistaken lofty idea of the need for the theater screen struck home for me.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the glory of the movie theater and forget that it is only a tool.


Andrew Bellware said...

Will you offer a revenue guarantee if we do all those things? ;-)

Cunningham said...

You don't have GUARANTEED revenue now!

In fact in 99% of the cases you're putting your product in the hands of someone else who can spend spend spend and be sure TO CHARGE YOU back for it so that you never make any money.

At least this way:

-- YOU are the one making the mistakes and being able to correct them...

-- YOU are the one guaranteed to know how much is being spent, where, and what the results are...

-- YOU are the one who's making the money and not the other guy who's movie was sold in the same package and didn't do as well as yours did but wasn't charged as many expenses as yours was...

-- YOU are the one who's in control.

That's the guarantee.

Andrew Bellware said...

No, we don't have chargebacks. We are paid on first dollar, the only "chargebacks" are the actual lab costs of making a DigiBeta copy (normally $250). Oddly, that's the way it's been since our first picture.

Cunningham said...

Note I said 99% of the time. You are the exception that proves the rule.

Michael Szeles said...

Nice one.

Thanks a million, as usual.